After a ski hiking trip started from Nods, my sister and I reached the top of Chasseral (1607 m), Neuchâtel, Switzerland. This antenna transmit the television and radio broadcast for this area.

Posted on Jan 17, 2012 in Architecture
After a ski hiking trip started from Nods, my sister and I reached the top of Chasseral (1607 m), Neuchâtel, Switzerland. This antenna transmit the television and radio broadcast for this area.
January 17, 2012On se croirait vraiment sur une autre planète…
January 18, 2012incroyable! telle une structure militaire abandonnée au milieu du désert en Arizona…
Le givre donne un effet fou!
En tombant sur ta photo j’écoutais ça:
belle harmonie entre la photo et la musique!
January 18, 2012Je rejoints le commentaire de Sabrina. Un petit côté SF qui me plait beaucoup. Une belle réalisation, comme toujours 🙂
Tom Clark
January 24, 2012Is that HDR? It’s very effective if it is. Great shot either way.