Twelve photos for my first panorama. Shot from the Grammont Mountain above Miex, Switzerland. This place is situated just above my previous image.
Below you should have a higher resolution picture. If the image doesn’t appear just refresh the page. It’s my first post including panorama, so I may have some technical problem….be tolerant.
Click on the image below for a larger view and drag it for looking around, if the image doesn’t appear use this link.

September 23, 2010That’s beautiful. I love how you’ve managed to keep the curvature of the earth on the horizon, and the mountains on the right are epic. Fantastic shot.
September 24, 2010Super beau ! ça donne envie de s’allonger dans l’herbe et… d’y être ! Bel effet de profondeur et j’aime bien le cliché final avec les p’tites herbes au premier plan. Bravo.